18th Fall Meeting of The Ceramic Society of Japan


The 1st Asia-Oceania Ceramic Federation (AOCF) Conference

Guidelines for preparation and submission of manuscripts for extended abstracts


Electronic submission of extended abstract as both PDF and MSWord files is available. If you do not have PDF-generating software and MSWord, you can send printed extended abstract via postal mail. Please be aware that the Ceramic Society of Japan does not provide the service of converting document files produced by various types of word-processing software into PDF files.

In the 18th Fall Meeting of The Ceramic Society of Japan and AOCF Conference, the electronic file submitted by a presenter is used only for the production of the proceedings; it will not be open to the public as it is.  (However, this does not mean that electronic files will be handled in the same manner in future annual meetings.  Changes in the handling policy will be notified in advance.)

A. Method of manuscript submission

Elecronic and postal submission of manuscript was finished.

B. Example of manuscript

1) Page : 0.5 page (1/2page) for one presentation.

2) Please use single A4 (297 mm x 210 mm) sheet for your manuscript.

3) The manuscript will be reduced to 70% of its original size; therefore, please use a 9-point or larger font for English abstract, and an 11-point or larger font for main text.  If the main text is long, use the multi-column format.  (Before submission, please view the manuscript at 70% to confirm that the characters and figures are legible.)

4) Please refer to the template regarding the format of title, affiliation(s), author name(s), abstract and main text.  Please circle the name of the presenter.  Insert one line between the affiliation/name and the abstract.

5) The title should be in boldface, and the number of words in the abstract should be from 50 to 100.  Please insert a line between the abstract and the main text.

6) After your abstract, please include contact information (either an e-mail address or a fax number).  (Presenters who are student members should include their supwrvisor's contact information.)

7) The sheet margins should be 30 mm on the right and left, and 25 mm at the top and bottom.

8) Figure and table captions should preferably be in English.

9) Use SI units. (Refer to the Jan. 1995 issue of the Journal of Ceramic Society of Japan)

C. Preparation of electronic files

1. File type

The manuscript should consist of one sheet; both an MS Word file and a PDF file of the manuscript should be submitted. 

2. Sheet setting

Please use an A4 sheet (297 mm x 210 mm) for the manuscript. 

3. OS and application software for the preparation of MS Word and PDF files

The use of Windows 2000/Me/XP or Mac OS 9.2 or higher versions is recommended.  To produce PDF files, the use of Adobe Acrobat 5.0 or a higher version is recommended. 

4. Font

Please use the fonts listed below; other fonts should not be used, since the characters may become garbled depending on the type and environment of the computer. 

Courier, Courier-Bold, Courier-Bold Oblique, Courier-Oblique, Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-Bold Oblique, Helvetica-Oblique, Symbol, Times-Roman, Times, Times New Roman, Times-Bold, Times-Bold Italic, Times-Italic, Zapf Dingbats

5. Resolution and size of photos and images

A resolution of 600 dpi for photos and images in the manuscript is recommended.  Excessively high resolution results makes file size too large.  Excessively low resolution results in deterioration of images.  Please keep in mind that the manuscript will be reduced to approximately 70% (A5 size) of its original size upon printing when deciding the size of figures and tables.  The final version will be in black and white.  To distinguish symbols in graphs, etc., please use different markers and line types instead of different colors. 

6. File type and file name

Please submit both an MS Word file and a PDF file.  For the file name, use your presentation number.

ex 1A01.pdf 1A01.doc

7. Confirmation of prepared PDF file

Before submission, please confirm that the prepared PDF file has been reproduced as you intended, using PDF viewing software.

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