Call for Symposium Proposals Deadline Extended to November 15, 2024


The International Congress on Ceramics is endorsed by the International Ceramic Federation (ICF), which serves as the federation of all the various national ceramics-related academic societies. The upcoming ICC'11 will be the latest in this series of international congresses, held every two years as the most important international meetings in the fields of ceramics and glass materials recognized by the ICF.

The main objectives of the congress are to conduct presentations of research findings on the following topics in ceramics and glass materials, share the most advanced information and knowledge in the field, and hold discussions between leaders and professionals from around the world aimed at creating a robust society with respect to future basic research, technical prospects, and industrial applications.

  1. Role of the Ceramics and Glass Industry toward Realizing the Sustainable, Carbon-neutral Society
  2. Innovative Processing with Low CO₂ Emissions
  3. Energy-, Environment-, and Transportation-related Ceramics and Glasses
  4. Bioceramics, Antibacterial and Antiviral Ceramics
  5. Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Ceramics and Devices
  6. Ceramics for a Safe and Secure Society, Ceramic Sensors
  7. New Design and Processing Technologies—Nanostructured Ceramics and Nanotechnology
  8. Innovation and Improved Functionalities in Structural Ceramics
  9. Materials and Processing Informatics
  10. Entrepreneurship and Transfer of Ceramic Technologies
  11. Manufacturing and Ceramics-related Business
  12. Roadmaps for Future Development of Ceramics

Call for Symposium Proposals

Groups wishing to submit a symposium proposal should include the followings in their submission:

  • A. The title and a short descriptive summary of the proposed symposium (150 - 300 words)
  • B. The session topics planned for the symposium
  • C. A list of the symposium organizers (name, affiliation, country) and e-mail for the main contact

Please submit your proposal via e-mail to the ICC'11 Office ( by OctoberNovember 15, 2024.(Due date is extended)
Eligibility requirements: up to five organizers representing wide-ranging diversity
If a proposal is accepted, we may ask the organizers to make certain adjustments to the content.
Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.