Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy of the Ceramic Society of Japan
As of July 20, 2005
The Ceramic Society of Japan (hereinafter, "CerSJ") has formulated the following privacy policy to assure full protection of personal information.
Usage of Personal Information
CerSJ* shall use the personal information registered by its members for the following purposes. Said personal information shall not be disclosed to any third party without the consent of the owner of the information, except under unavoidable reasons.
* Refers to the secretariat, directors, advisors, councilors, and members of the committees, branches, and divisions.
- To send membership registration notifications, invoices, and other communications; and to identify members applying to attend CerSJ events.
- To send journals; to request lectures, written articles, and assessments; and to provide information necessary for CerSJ operations, such as communication among committees, branches, and divisions.
- To send notices from CerSJ.
- To conduct surveys concerning the details of members' research and members' research organization structures.
- To report tax information concerning payments for lectures and posted articles.
- To facilitate CerSJ promotional activities.
In addition to the purposes listed above, personal information may be used or disclosed in the following cases:
- When required by laws and regulations.
- When consent has been obtaired from the owner of the information.
- When all or part of the management of the personal information is commissioned to external subcontractors within a required range in order to achieve business purposes. The personal information protection standards of potential subcontractors shall be investigated in advance, and only those meeting CerSJ’s criteria shall be selected as subcontractors. Examples of subcontracting include the commissioning of distribution, advertising, notification of membership fee payments, and payment for articles.
Information Management
CerSJ shall specify and adhere to appropriate personal information management rules in order to prevent any leakage, loss, or interference with registered personal information.
Changes in the Privacy Policy
CerSJ may amend or update its Privacy Policy without notice. Such changes shall be posted on the CerSJ Web site and in other publications and shall become effective from the date of such publication.